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Code Block Annotations

Runme supports a variety of code block annotations that allows to modify the behavior of the cell and how it is being executed.


Some scripts are suppose to run within the background to not disturb you from development. With the background annotation you can tell Runme to have this command run as background task and don't have it pop-up a terminal.

Default: false

```sh { background=true }
npm run watch


With the interactive flag you can decide whether the stdout of the process should be printed directly within the result cell or as part of a VS Code terminal. Note: printing stdout within the result cell doesn't allow you to interact with the process, e.g. through stdin input. However it allows you to copy out the process output which is useful in many situations to continue with your dev-ops process.

Default: true

```sh { interactive=false }
openssl rand -base64 32


If your execute a command within a VS Code terminal window you can have it stick around even after successful execution using the closeTerminalOnSuccess flag.

Default: true

```sh { closeTerminalOnSuccess=false }
docker ps | grep runme/demo:latest